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Audit Process and Time Duration

What to Do If IRS Initiates Tax Audit of Your Small Businesses? Know The Step-by-Step Audit Process and Time Duration of IRS Audit

Small business owners find it hard to go through an IRS audit. After receiving an audit notice, the first thing to do is to thoroughly read it and gather all necessary paperwork. Consulting with a tax professional will always help you understand the audit process and ensure compliance with tax laws. When responding to IRS, please note to pay special attention to the details. Any mistakes or discrepancies will raise more queries or guarantee additional research. The procedure can go more easily if taxpayers reply to the IRS right away, and act professionally while being audited. Taxpayers can even dispute the IRS’s decision if it determines they are bound to pay additional taxes or fines.

General IRS Audit Process

The general process of an IRS audit involves several stages. The exact process varies depending on the type and scope of the IRS audit, but the following outline is a general overview.

  • Notification: The IRS will send a notification letter to inform the taxpayer that they have been selected for a tax audit. The letter will outline the reason behind the audit as well as the paperwork the taxpayer must submit.
  • Preparation: The taxpayer is required to compile all essential records and papers for the audit. To comprehend the audit procedure and make sure they follow tax rules, they can consult with a tax professional.
  • Examination: To ensure that the tax return is accurate, the IRS will review the taxpayer’s files and records. An on-site visit to the taxpayer’s residence or place of business may be necessary.
  • Communication: The IRS will keep in touch with the taxpayer during the IRS audit process to clarify any problems or discrepancies discovered and, if necessary, to request further information or documents.
  • Resolution: The IRS will report any changes that need to be made to the taxpayer’s filed return after the examination is finished. The taxpayer will have the chance to refute any conclusions or bargain a deal with the IRS.
  • Appeals: The taxpayer has the right to challenge the judgment in court or through an administrative procedure with the IRS if they disagree with the audit’s conclusion.

Overall, the process of an IRS audit can be complex and time-consuming, but being prepared and cooperating with the IRS always helps the process go more smoothly. Complex IRS audits need tax professional help from a tax audit representation company that can analyze your circumstances and represent on behalf of you in front of the IRS for the audit sessions.

How Long Will the Audit Process Take?

Several variables can affect how long an IRS audit lasts. The sort of audit being undertaken is one of the important factors. For instance, if a correspondence audit just entails looking through a small portion of a taxpayer’s return, it might be finished in a couple of weeks. On the other hand, a field audit that needs to visit the taxpayer’s place of business or residence and study a substantial number of records will take several months.

The complexity of the taxpayer’s return, the volume of records and papers being examined, and the IRS agents’ and taxpayers’ availability are additional elements that affect audit tenure. Additionally, if the audit identifies issues or discrepancies that require further review, the process will take longer.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that the timeframe of an IRS audit can be extended if the taxpayer refuses to provide information or documents when requested, contests the audit’s conclusions, or tries to reach a settlement with the IRS.

The duration of an IRS audit varies significantly based on the particulars of each case. But taxpayers can attempt to keep the process moving and make sure that the audit is finished as soon and effectively as possible by collaborating with the IRS agent.

These time-consuming audits can frustrate small business owners as they have to deal with extra work besides running their companies. Also, they will not find enough time to meet the IRS agents and answer all the questions. Thus a tax audit representation firm like IRS Audit Group can help them by representing on behalf of the client. The company is located in Los Angeles, California but as the IRS is a Federal Agency, we can request the case to be transferred to a local IRS office in Los Angeles. Contact us to learn more about our services and get a free consultation on your case.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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Assets and Tax Implications

An Update on Digital Assets and Tax Implications for This Tax Season 2023 – Find Out How to Report Your Digital Assets

Cryptocurrencies and other digital assets have experienced an increase in activity and acceptance by the public in recent years. For this Tax Season 2023, the IRS has increased its efforts to provide assistance to taxpayers on the tax treatment and reporting requirements related to these digital assets. The IRS has introduced the new term digital assets to refer to “virtual currencies”.

What is Digital Asset?

Any digital representation of value that is on a cryptographically protected distributable ledger or any other equivalent technology as specified by the Secretary is referred to as a digital asset, according to the IRS. The IRS lists a number of instances of digital assets, including NFTs, stablecoins, as well as virtual currencies like a cryptocurrency that can be used for payments (non-fungible tokens that are unique digital identifiers recorded in a blockchain).

Disclosure on Individual Tax Return 

To assist taxpayers in providing accurate answers, the guidelines for answering the question have been clarified and broadened in this tax year 2022 forms. Every individual filer must respond to the question with simple “yes” or “no” answers on the front of Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, whether they received or sold a digital asset in the tax year 2022, regardless of whether they are associated with digital assets or not. The subject, which is now on 2022 forms, gives more information and specificity to help taxpayers understand when to correctly mark the “Yes” or “No” boxes.

When to Check “Yes” Or “No”?

In general, if a taxpayer got digital assets in the form of a payment, prize, or award, they should check “Yes”. Also, a taxpayer should select “Yes” if they obtained digital assets as a result of mining or a hard fork (the division of a cryptocurrency into two). A taxpayer should also tick “Yes” if they have given up any other financial stake in a digital asset by payment, sale, exchange, or swap for another digital asset. Check “No” if a taxpayer simply owned digital assets during the year without engaging in any transactions. A taxpayer should also select “No” when transferring digital assets between accounts that share the same owners or when buying digital assets with money that isn’t digital.

How to Report Digital Asset Income?

Digital asset income is reported in much the same way as other revenue, mostly dependent on the source of the income. If digital assets are received in exchange for work, the taxpayer must disclose the value of those assets as wages on your tax return 2022. If the digital assets received were payment for services provided, the value of those assets would be reported on Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business. Similarly, Schedule C would also record any such dispositions of digital assets to clients made in the course of a trade or company.

If digital assets are held as capital assets and sold, exchanged, or transferred it during the tax year 2022, the investor must use Form 8949Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets to calculate the gain or loss from that activity. The gain or loss is then reported on Schedule D, Capital Gains, and Losses. If, however, digital assets were transferred to an individual as a gift other than the taxpayer’s spouse during the tax year 2022, Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, will generally need to be filed if the value exceeds $16,000.

An incorrect or false response to the updated digital asset question could create complications for taxpayers in the future. For instance, an incorrect response may result in various types of penalties. The advice and assistance from knowledgeable Dual Licensed Tax Professionals and CPAs might be helpful when deciding how to answer the digital asset question instance.

IRS Audit Group is a tax audit representation firm in Los Angeles, California. Usually, in a few cases, the IRS may ask for more information to validate the tax return filings. But rarely, IRS may like to audit your tax information through a letter of notice via Mail. In such cases, it is important to engage a tax professional like ours to represent your tax audit. Our licensed professionals comprise qualified CPAs and IRS Enrolled Agents. They can analyze your tax situation and help alleviate your burden. Please contact us for more information.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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IRS Warns of a New Scams for This Tax Season

IRS Warns of a New Scams for This Tax Season 2023 That Is Aimed At Falsely Inflating Tax Refunds

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued warnings of new scams that urge taxpayers to use wage information on a tax return to claim false credits in hopes of getting a big refund. The new scheme circulating on social media encourages people to use tax software to fill out a Form W-2 to include false information. Scam artists encourage taxpayers to make up numbers showing large amounts of income and related withholding. Then, the scammers suggest simply e-file a bogus tax return to snag a large refund due to the amount of fake withholding. This deliberate misinformation about inflated income is used to take advantage of refundable tax credits.

Scam Variations

Two variations of this scheme are also being seen by the IRS; both involve misusing Form W-2 wage information in hopes of generating a larger refund.

  • One variation involves scammers suggesting taxpayers file Form 7202, Credits for Sick Leave and Family Leave for Certain Self-Employed Individuals, to apply for a credit based on earnings made as an employee rather than a self-employed individual. These credit dates to the pandemic period for 2020 and 2021 and can’t be accessible for 2022 tax returns.
  • Another variation of this scam involves taxpayers making up fictional employees that they claim are employed in their household and using Schedule H, Household Employment Taxes. Then, taxpayers file for a refund based on false sick and family wages they never paid in the first place.

Many such scams, where taxpayers suggesting to claim huge refunds by filing the tax return electronically in hopes of getting a substantial refund.


The IRS reminds taxpayers that they are actively watching for this scheme and others along with the Security Summit partners in the tax industry and the states. In addition, the IRS works with payroll companies and large employers—as well as the Social Security Administration—to verify Form W-2 information.


Falling for such scams unknowingly or deliberately for getting viral on social media will be subject to a wide range of penalties. This may include a frivolous return penalty of $5,000. Filers also run the risk of criminal prosecution for filing a false tax return.


What To Do?

Seek out tax advice from credible sources, including the IRS website, and consult trusted tax professionals. Ignore advice from viral reels and videos that sounds too good to be true. And please do not share such contents which misguides other taxpayers. For anyone who has participated in one of these schemes, there are several options that the IRS recommends. People can amend a previous tax return or consult with a trusted tax professional.


IRS Audit Group is a tax audit representation firm from Los Angeles, California. The company employs a team of certified tax lawyers who possess expertise in both state and federal tax audits. Irrespective of the client’s location, these tax professionals can evaluate your audit situation and represent you before the IRS to secure a favorable outcome for the client. Please contact us for more information.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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Tax Deadlines for Disaster Affected Areas of California, Alabama, and Georgia

IRS Extends Again the Tax Deadlines for Disaster Affected Areas of California, Alabama, and Georgia in Tax Season 2023

Taxpayers from disaster areas in most of California and parts of Alabama and Georgia now have until Oct. 16, 2023, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments. Previously, the tax deadline was May 15, 2023, for these areas. Currently, tax relief is available to any area designated by FEMA. The current list of eligible localities and other details for each disaster is available on the Tax Relief in Disaster Situations page on

Extended Tax and Payment Deadlines List

Several tax filing and payment dates that were set to begin on January 8, 2023, have been postponed by the tax relief. Below are a few of the tax reliefs that are postponed for this tax season 2023.

  • Individual and business tax returns for 2022 are now due on October 16, 2023, for disaster-affected areas.
  • Applicable taxpayers will have until October 16 to make 2022 contributions to their IRAs and health savings accounts.
  • The expected tax payments for the fourth quarter of the tax year 2022, which have a deadline of January 17, 2023, are also postponed to October 16, 2023
  • The estimated tax payments for tax season 2023, which are typically due on April 18, have been postponed until October 16, 2023.
  • The deadline for filing quarterly payroll and excise tax returns, which was previously January 31, April 30, and July 31, has been extended until October 16, 2023.

Details on other returns, payments, and tax-related actions that qualify for the extended time are available on the Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief for Individuals and Businesses page.

How to Claim the Extension?

Any taxpayer with an IRS address of record located in the disaster region will automatically receive filing and penalty relief from the IRS. Taxpayers can obtain this assistance without getting in touch with the IRS. However, if a concerned taxpayer receives a notice from the IRS about a late filing or late payment penalty with an original or extended filing, payment, or deposit due date that falls within the postponement period, the taxpayer should contact the IRS at the number on the notice to have the penalty waived.


How To Claim Casualty and Property Loss on Taxes If Impacted?

Disaster-related casualty losses incurred by individuals or businesses may be claimed on the previous tax year 2022 or the current tax year 2023. To claim on the previous tax year 2022, the taxpayers need to file it in this tax season 2023. To claim on the tax year 2023, the claimant must file it in the next tax season 2024. Losses of personal property that are not compensated by insurance or other sources of payment may also be deducted by individuals.

The IRS will assist any taxpayer whose records are located in the disaster region. If a taxpayer living outside of a disaster area and qualify for relief, call the IRS at 866-562-5227 to explain your situation, after assessment, IRS will provide the relief. This also covers employees supporting relief efforts who are connected to a reputable governmental or charitable organization.

The tax relief is based on FEMA’s local damage assessments and is part of a coordinated federal response to the harm caused by the severe storms. For more information on disaster recovery visit


IRS Audit Group is a tax audit representation firm in Los Angeles, California. Usually, in a few cases, the IRS may ask for more information to validate the tax return filings. But rarely, IRS may like to audit your tax information through a letter of notice via Mail. In such cases, it is important to engage a tax professional like ours to represent your audit. Our licensed professionals comprise qualified CPAs and IRS Enrolled Agents. They can analyze your tax situation and help alleviate your burden. Please contact us for more information.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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Tax Season Announced Special Saturday Hours for IRS Face-to-Face Tax Assistance

This Tax Season 2023, Special Saturday Hours are Announced by the IRS for Face-to-Face Tax Assistance

The IRS is offering weekend hours to taxpayers as part of the IRS’s larger effort to help people during the tax season 2023. Taxpayers can walk in without appointments to meet the assistance in person and enquire regarding tax filing.  They can have any tax-related queries like setting up an online account or getting an Identity Protection PIN among other topics. People can get hands-on assistance from IRS employees at TACs. However, cash payments are not accepted. The special Saturday availability will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Feb. 11, March 11, April 8, and May 13. Detailed locations of the centers are listed on the IRS’s Official Website. But IRS insists taxpayers first visit to check information before visiting the office. They may even find online resources to resolve their tax query.

Special Saturday Services Provided

Taxpayers who have queries about tax bills, IRS audits, or need help in resolving a tax problem can get assistance from the IRS special officers having expertise in those specific areas. IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service employees are to be also available to help with some issues. All services offered at particular TACs are listed on the IRS’s Contact Your Local Office website. Taxpayers should remember that IRS TACs do not provide tax return preparation services, but information regarding free tax preparation choices in the area will be provided.

For non-English speakers, an over-the-phone translation service will provide professional foreign language interpretation in a variety of languages. The IRS employees will schedule appointments at later dates for deaf or hard-of-hearing people who require sign language interpreter services. To schedule an appointment, these people can instead dial 800-829-4059 for TTY/TDD.

What to Bring to the TACs?

Taxpayers should bring the following documents:

  • Current government-issued photo identification,
  • Social Security cards or ITINs for members of their household, including spouse and dependents (if applicable)
  • Any IRS letters or notices received and related documents,
  • For identity verification services, two forms of identification and if filed, a copy of the tax returns for the year in question.
  • Current mailing addresses and proof of bank account information can also be requested by IRS staff.

Hire A Tax Professional Instead

Taxpayers have different levels of skill, education, and expertise. They may or may not be skilled in tax preparation and accurately filing their income tax return. Despite all the efforts by the IRS, still many taxpayers file their tax returns with inaccurate forms, wrong/missing information, math errors, and more. These errors can lead to higher tax payments and even IRS Audits. Thus, hiring a skilled tax professional will reduce your burden and makes sure that there are no such kinds of errors. Tax professionals prepare your tax returns and provide support related to the payment and reporting of taxes. Tax professionals also advise, provide guidance and support for audits and represent on behalf of taxpayers for trials. Tax professionals provide to help taxpayers minimize their tax bills by utilizing all possible deductions and credits while ensuring they still meet their tax obligations.

IRS Audit Group is a renowned IRS Tax Audit Representation Company. We are a team of tax professionals, Lawyers, CPAs, and Enrolled Agents who specialize entirely in “Tax Audit Representation” and have over 15 years of experience. We collaborate with all IRS offices across the country. We can request that your case be transferred to a local IRS office in Los Angeles, California, as the IRS is a federal agency. Contact us to find out more about our services.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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Top Five Tax Scams for Tax Season 2023

Top Five Tax Scams for This Tax Season 2023 and Know How to Avoid Them

Tax season 2023 has officially started and along comes an increased risk of falling victim to tax scams. These scams involve fraudsters who use a variety of tactics to impersonate the Internal Revenue System (IRS) and trick individuals into giving up their personal information or money.

Common Tax Scams

IRS letter Scam:  Scammers send letters or notices that look like official IRS communication. These letters may demand immediate payment for unpaid taxes, jeopardize legal action or request personal information such as social security numbers or bank details.

Tax Transcript Scam: Fraudsters are sending fake email communications about tax transcripts claiming to be from “IRS Online”. A tax transcript is a summary of your tax records and history. IRS will never send such confidential information over email. IRS warns taxpayers not to open these emails as they contain malware that infects their devices to extract sensitive information like Social Security Numbers, Bank Account Details, and Passwords.

Ghost Tax Preparers: Ghost tax preparers are individuals who prepare tax returns but do not sign such documents. Unreliable ghost preparers frequently print the return, have the taxpayer sign it, and send it to the IRS. The ghost will prepare e-filed returns, but they refuse to digitally sign as the paid preparer. But IRS makes it mandatory for tax preparers to provide a digital signature and PTIN at the end of the tax filing form. Thus, taxpayers avoid such ghost preparers as they can file false information claiming to get more refund simply to satisfy you of their services.

Natural Disaster Relief: Natural disaster fraud is the deliberate use of deception to trick people and the government for personal gain. Natural disaster fraud comes in many forms including price gouging, insurance fraud, and forgery/impersonation. These scammers reach out to victims via phone, mail, or social media offering to help in relief funds in exchange for personal information.

IRS Telephone Scams: Scammers impersonate IRS agents and make unsolicited phone calls to individuals demanding immediate payment for unpaid taxes. They use tactics to make the call seem more legitimate such as spoofing the caller ID to make it appear that the call is from IRS. The IRS will never call the taxpayers demanding money in any form to pay them immediately. IRS will usually send a letter by mail informing about any tax owed or any IRS Audit to be done. IRS will always provide the opportunity to taxpayers for questioning or appealing on the tax owed. IRS will also never ask for debit or credit card details over the phone and will not threaten to bring local police or law enforcement agents.

What to do When You Encounter Such Scams?

  • Do not provide any personal and financial information if received an unsolicited mail, call, or text message requesting payment.
  • Verify the legitimacy of the request by contacting IRS directly at the phone number listed on the official website to verify the authenticity of the request.
  • Visit the identity protection page if clicked on links in a suspicious email or website and entered confidential information.
  • Report the W2 variant to the IRS – if a victim or not – and should also report any BEC/BES variants to the Internet Crime Complaint Center.
  • Contact the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) if an IRS imposter has contacted you. Report IRS imposter scams online by calling TIGTA at 1-800-366-4484. Forward email messages that claim to be from the IRS to [email protected].
  • File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) via their online complaint form and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) by visiting the Consumer Complaint Centre.

How to Avoid Such Scams?

Be aware of unsolicited communications, IRS will not initiate contact with taxpayers via email, text, or social media. Use a secure method to submit tax returns such as an authorized tax preparer, IRS e-file, or a secure mailbox. Do not send tax returns or payments via email. Stay up to date on the latest scams and fraud tactics by regularly checking the IRS website, news, and other resources.  Installing call-blocking software for smartphones will avoid unwanted phone calls. Work with a reputable tax preparer who is properly licensed and registered with IRS. The IRS is aware of these scams and provides guidance on how to avoid and identify them. By taking these steps taxpayers can protect themselves from IRS scams and other types of fraudulent activity.

IRS Audit Group is a team of tax professionals, CPAs, Enrolled Agents, and Tax Attorneys, specializing in IRS Tax Audit Representation.  We will file a power of attorney and contact the IRS or state agency to represent our clients. We will ease your stress-out IRS audit with our expertise in seamlessly resolving your case with IRS. Contact us for a free consultation to understand your tax situation.


Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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Find out Overpayment and Underpayment Interest Rates of Taxes

Overpayment and Underpayment Interest Rates Remain the Same for Second Quarter Tax Season 2023 – Find Out How Much You Will Get or Pay?

Internal Revenue Service announced that the interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2023.  The rate for overpayment and underpayment for individuals will be 7% annually, compounded daily.

What is Overpayment?

An overpayment occurs when a taxpayer pays more than the amount of tax owed. Taxpayers may overpay due to various reasons such as errors in calculating taxes, administrative errors, delayed terminations, incomplete job records, incorrectly completed work schedules or default hours, duplicate transactions, irregularly processed unpaid leaves of absence, changes in percent time, or errors in time reporting.

The overpayment interest rate for the second quarter of tax season 2023 is 7% for individuals and 6% for corporations. Also, the portion of the amount exceeding $10,000 will get 4.5% for the corporations. This interest rate was the same as in the first quarter of 2023. Previously the interest rate in the fourth quarter of 2022 for overpayments was 6% per year. It increased by 1% for both individuals and corporations in the first quarter of 2023.

What is Underpayment? 

Underpayment occurs when a taxpayer doesn’t pay enough taxes during a year, either through withholding or estimated taxes. IRS charges underpayment when taxpayers don’t pay their taxes, penalties, and additions to tax or interest by the deadline. Even if the taxpayer requests an extension, the interest in underpayment still applies.

The current interest rate for underpayment beginning April 2023 is 7% (taxes owed but not fully paid) and 9% for large corporate underpayments. The interest rate has been increased by 1% for underpayments from the first quarter of 2023. Previously the interest rate in the fourth quarter of 2022 for underpayments was 6% per year and 8% for large corporate underpayments.

How to Dispute?

If there is any dispute regarding the overpayment, taxpayers can request a refund from IRS. If a taxpayer believes the IRS assessment is incorrect, he can provide additional documents or evidence to support the claim. The IRS reduces the amount of interest owed by taxpayers only if the interest is applied because of any unreasonable error or delay by an IRS officer. For dispute interest due to unreasonable error or IRS delay, the taxpayer can submit a Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement form or send a signed letter requesting to reduce or adjust the overcharged interest.  If the taxpayer feels that IRS has underpaid the interest or credits that they are eligible for, they can request an Informal Conference and Appeals Review. The dispute will be reviewed by the IRS Examination or Collection office that made your tax assessment. If they cannot resolve it, the appeal will be considered for an IRS audit.

Taxpayers can represent themselves on the appeal or hire a tax professional. The tax professional must be eligible as:

  • An attorney
  • A certified public accountant, or
  • An enrolled agent authorized to practice before the IRS.

Interest rates for underpayments and overpayments vary and may change quarterly. The interest rate charged for earlier quarters or years is unaffected by the changes. Therefore taxpayers should make sure to pay taxes on time to avoid interest charges and those who are unable to pay in full should work with IRS to set up a payment plan.

IRS Audit Group can be at your service in representing your case for federal or state tax audit. We are a tax audit representation company in Los Angeles, California. We serve across the country with all the states as IRS is a federal agency and we could request IRS to transfer your case to California. Contact us for a free consultation to understand your case.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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Hire a Tax Professional or Do-It-Yourself

Hire a Tax Professional or Do-It-Yourself – Find Out What is Best for You this Tax Season 2023?

Tax Season 2023 started and one of the important questions that come up during tax season is if you opt to prepare your tax statement or hire a tax professional. It really depends on several factors including financial situation, tax knowledge, time, patience, and effort needed to prepare a tax return. Both of these two options have their own pros and cons, the choice ultimately depends on the personal comfort level with taxes of an individual.

When To File by Yourself?

Preparing your own taxes can be done using tax software or through the IRS website. It is a good option to save a few bucks, but it is not always the best choice.  Here are a set of situations where you can do your own tax filing are:

  • The tax situation is simple.
  • Financial limitation to save money.
  • Good understanding of tax laws and tax preparation process
  • Comfortable using tax software.
  • Have patience and time to deal with tax preparation.

Disadvantages of Filing Your Own Taxes

There are potential disadvantages while filing your own taxes. Tax filing is more time-consuming especially when there is trouble understanding tax laws. If you have multiple income sources, then it adds more complexity due to numerous tax laws. Using online tax software speeds up the process but it can be difficult to get help if any question arises. Filing your own tax increases the risk of errors which lead to penalties, interest, or even an IRS audit.

Why Hire a Tax Professional?

Hiring a professional tax preparer can be a wise choice for individuals as well as for businesses. Tax Professionals have the knowledge and expertise to minimize the complex tax code and they ensure maximum tax savings and thus minimize the risk of the tax audit. Hiring a professional tax preparer may be necessary for a few scenarios as follows/

  • Don’t have time and patience to deal with tax preparations!
  • Multiple income sources
  • Owning a business or rental property and having a complicated situation.
  • Planning to itemize deductions.
  • Experienced major life events.
  • Have foreign accounts and investments or active stock traders.

Disadvantages of Hiring a Professional

The only crucial disadvantage of choosing a tax professional can be difficulty in finding a trustworthy and experienced tax preparer. Not all tax preparers are equal, some may not have expertise in handling complex tax situations. There are many scammers who pose as legitimate tax preparers.  Hence, it is important to do proper research about potential tax preparers by reviewing their credentials, client testimonials, etc.

To do filing by your own effort or hire a professional depends on personal circumstances and level of comfort with tax laws and the tax preparation process. Doing your own taxes is the finest method to save money if you are confident in your capacity to comprehend the tax rules. If not, it’s likely time to spend the money and employ a tax professional. In the end, you have to balance the worth of your time and money versus your mental health.

IRS Audit Group is a tax audit representation company in Los Angeles, California. We offer a free initial consultation to assist you to comprehend your tax concerns completely and effectively, regardless of whether they are related to California state income taxes or taxes from another jurisdiction. If you need assistance or counseling with tax issues in California or another state, please contact the IRS Audit Group to learn more about our services.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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Know the Right Tax Professional

Why It Is Important to Choose a Tax Professional? Know Qualifications and the Process of Selecting the Right Tax Professional

Who are Tax Professionals?

Tax professionals are experts who offer tax-related services to individuals, businesses, and organizations. They are knowledgeable and trained in tax laws, rules, and procedures. They can be tax advisors, tax lawyers, enrolled agents, certified public accountants (CPAs), and tax preparers. These experts assist taxpayers in understanding their requirements, preparing and filing tax returns, resolving tax concerns, and making tax-saving plans. They also can help customers with a variety of tax-related concerns, including tax optimization, tax negotiations, tax compliance, and tax audits.

Why do We Need Them?

Filing taxes can be a more confusing and overwhelming process, especially for individuals and businesses that are not familiar with tax codes. This is where tax professionals help clients to solve their queries in filing tax returns. They provide guidance on tax planning and help identify tax-saving opportunities. Working with tax professionals is time-saving as they analyze tax structures, prepare strategies, and finalize the right documents and forms for filing. Tax professionals make sure that the filed returns are accurate and complete to minimize the risk of an IRS audit. They also provide tax audit representation services for the clients if there is any dispute with the IRS to resolve the issue. Tax professionals can reduce your financial burden by assisting in negotiating payment plans or settling debts. An experienced tax professional can help to face the complex world of taxes with confidence.

What are their Qualifications, and Eligibility?

Tax professionals should have IRS Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) that is authorized to prepare federal tax returns. Enrolled agents, certified public accountants, and tax attorneys have unlimited representation rights before the IRS. The eligibility and skills required are as follows.

  • Enrolled agents should pass a three-part Special Enrollment Examination and they must complete 72 hours of continuing education every 3 years. They have proficiency in federal tax planning, individual and business tax return preparation, and representation.
  • Certified Public Accountants should complete their study in accounting in school or college and clear the Uniform CPA Examination In addition, CPAs must comply with ethical requirements and complete specified levels of continuing education in order to maintain an active CPA license.
  • Attorneys should clearly state bar exams and they generally have ongoing continuing education and professional character standards.

Some prepare who don’t have the above credentials have limited representation rights. They can represent only the people for whom they have prepared returns and signed. Annual Filing Season Program Participants who have completed their course program and PTIN holders can also prepare tax returns.

How to Check Tax Preparer Credentials?

There are many individuals who claim to provide services as tax preparers. It is important to know their credentials before engaging in one. Choosing an incorrect tax preparer can result in poor tax filing and can even lead to disputes and tax audits. The IRS maintains a public list of specific tax professionals in order to assist taxpayers in determining the credentials and training of return preparers. Attorneys, CPAs, enrolled agents, enrolled retirement plan agents, enrolled actuaries, and Annual Filing Season Program Record of Completion recipients having valid PTINs for 2022 are listed in the searchable, sortable database along with their names, cities, states, and zip codes.

Who are Ghost Tax Preparers?

Ghost preparers are those who refuse and don’t sign the tax returns they prepare and pretend to be invisible. They refuse to digitally sign it as the paid preparer. prefer taking payment in cash and refusing to provide a receipt. They invent income to qualify their clients for tax credits. They also claim fake deductions to boost the size of the refund and direct the refund into their own bank accounts. IRS advises to beware of such tax preparers. They add more complexity to your filings than simplifying them. All tax preparers must have a valid Prepare Tax Identification Number (PTIN). IRS also makes it mandatory for tax preparers to provide a digital signature and PTIN at the end of the tax filing form.

 How to Select the Suitable One Among the Many Tax Preparers?

When looking for a tax preparer, it is necessary to choose who is knowledgeable, reliable, and professional. Some of the measures to take before selecting a tax preparer are.

  • Make sure to choose a tax preparer who can be available in case the IRS examines, returns, and has questions regarding how the filing was prepared.
  • Avoid tax preparers who claim they can obtain larger funds.
  • Ensure the preparer has PTIN with them.
  • Choose the tax preparers who enter the PTIN on tax returns and sign them.
  • Consider a Tax preparer who is available around months or years after filing the return so that they can represent on behalf of you if there is an IRS audit.
  • Make sure the credentials are checked through the IRS official website.

IRS Audit Group is a tax representation company that has a group of expert tax professionals like layers, enrolled agents, and CPAs. They help clients in resolving their state audits and IRS audits by representing them. IRS Audit Group has its proprietary audit process from the beginning of free consultation with the clients until resolving the issue in favor of the taxpayers. Please contact us for more information.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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Filing 2022 Tax Returns

Filing 2022 Tax Returns –Tax Professional Can Help You If You Can’t Do It Yourself

The Internal Revenue Service has provided taxpayers with a checklist of reminders to assist them with filing tax returns for the tax season 2023. These quick practices will simplify tax preparation from collecting documents to completing a tax return. But if your tax filing is complex and doesn’t have enough time, it is better to reach a tax professional. Tax professionals know how to file tax returns without any further chances for any IRS audit by filing with accuracy. Engaging a tax professional has various benefits like

  • They don’t miss any deductions and tax credits available for you.
  • They have up-to-date information on tax codes and new changes. Saves ample time.
  • Help eliminate errors and avoid IRS Audit
  • Provide the best tax-saving strategies for upcoming tax seasons.
  • Investigate past tax returns and amend any missed deductions.

IRS Audit Group is a tax audit representation company in Los Angeles, California. With 15 years of experience, the certified tax professionals, lawyers, and experts of the company have successfully helped clients’ audit processes and understand their IRS taxing authority. IRS Audit Group has a process to follow while doing the tax filing as follows.

  • Remember To Report All Types of Income on The Tax Return
  • List out income from possible sources such as
  • Online platforms that created and sold goods.
  • Income from investments
  • Part-time or seasonal employment, self-employment, or other business ventures
  • Services offered by mobile apps.

Here Are A Few Tips from The IRS Audit Group for All Taxpayers

There are options to use Free Resources for Tax Filing.  The IRS’s Free File program, which is only accessible at, enables individuals who made $73,000 or less in 2022 to electronically file their taxes for free. Also, there are Free File Fillable Forms, with limited features that anyone may fill out and submit on their own, likewise without cost, regardless of their financial level.

As part of a 21-year agreement with the IRS, top tax software firms make their online products freely accessible through IRS Free File. Seven products are available this year in English and one in Spanish. These products can only be accessed by taxpayers on the IRS website.

The IRS advises using to pay taxes, get refund status updates, and get tax issues answered without having to wait. There is no wait time and no need for an appointment because online tools and information are accessible every day of the year. Particularly useful resources from the IRS include Let Us Help You and the Interactive Tax Assistant.

Individuals can securely log in to their IRS Online Account to obtain personal tax account information, such as the balance, payments made, and tax records, such as adjusted gross income.

For the most recent information on tax changes, scam alerts, programs, goods, and services, download the IRS2Go mobile app, view IRS YouTube videos, or follow the IRS on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

IRS Audit Group is a tax audit representation company in Los Angeles, California. We can transfer your IRS case to Los Angeles irrespective of your state as IRS is a federal agency. Contact us for a free consultation to review your severity of tax debt.

Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508

[email protected]

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IRS Audit Group

Tax attorney in Beverly Hills, California

468 N Camden Dr #200,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Call: +1 310 498 7508


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