Take advantage of the holiday break to get your paperwork in order before tax season is among us. While we always recommended keeping everything sorted throughout the year, now is the best time to categorize receipts, invoices and all relevant tax forms once again to ensure they are safely stored and organized for when you file.
Keep in mind that the sooner you have everything ready, the quicker the process will be and you can hand it over to our team of professionals to process so you can look forward to your refund. Here are some important things to have handy:
- Personal information, including social security number and bank account information.
- Income history and appropriate forms
- Records of income adjustments
- Tax deduction and payment records
- Updated credit information
As tax preparers, we may or may not have access to certain information and rely on our clients to provide personal data. Once we have all necessary information, it’s easier to process the paperwork and make sure everything is accurate and on time on your behalf. Put your trust in IRS Audit Group to file your 2017 taxes quickly and accurately. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
Telephone Number: (310) 498-7508
[email protected]